Thursday, August 15, 2013

Moment to moment happiness

Moment to moment happiness.  Can it be found  in even the most monotonous moments? Where does happiness come from?  Where is it found?  Certainly it is not found in my longing for material possessions. I have found, more than once, that after receiving a desired object and a period of "happiness", the happiness wears off and I begin to want the new model or the more expensive version, which I usually can't afford.  This always makes me feel defeated.  Fact:  Even a new pair of shoes won't give real happiness.  What if I redirected my desires?  Maybe instead of the latest and greatest thing, I desire to be kind and compassionate.  What if instead of wanting new, I became grateful for the old?  Would this quite my mind?  Would I be closer to happiness?  Could I spread and share my happiness with others?  We are all human, that is our common bond.  If we all treated each other accordingly and not according to social status there would be less to be jealous of, less to want.  If I believe in that common bond, the millionaire is my equal and for the pauper I find compassion.  With this thought, I value myself more and objects less.  Back to shoes, I know they are not lasting happiness but instead an indulgent that brings me pleasure.  Do I have to completely give up pleasures to find happiness or can I have both?  All decisions will be made with the question of will this bring me happiness or pleasure?  If happiness is the answer, I will proceed.  If pleasure is the answer, I will rethink.  If the answer is both, BONUS!  

What decisions brought you happiness and pleasure today? 


  1. Very thought provoking ideas. I don't get bonus' but your ideas are something to think about. Good job.

  2. Ron, thank you for your comments. You are right, bonus' isn't real fitting and clear there. What I meant to say was, What decisions brought you happiness and pleasure today?


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