Friday, September 20, 2013

Take the big jump - happiness

After remembering to be the one to create the positive atmosphere, you have then have to take the BIG jump and remember that it takes everyone.  Imagine something so little such as the pen you write with.  Think about all of the people it takes to manufacture that one pen: the people it takes to manufacture the plastic, metal, ink, etc.; then those that have to market and advertise the raw materials to the pen company; all of the different pen company employees on the line; the office support teams at all places; the custodians; the trash removal companies; the sales team that markets the pen; companies that distribute and the freight companies that deliver the pen.  The list could go on and on.  All just to make a pen.  Now think about bigger things, the shirt you are wearing or the shoes on your feet, the technology piece you are using to read this, medical equipment you may need, a hospital, a library, etc.  Think of all the people it takes to create any of these from beginning to end.  Countless numbers of HUMANS, people just like you and me.  It takes every one of us to make this world what it is.  AND we have the power to make it BETTER.  We are all connected, we all rely on others, we are all human AND we can treat each other like friends.  A happier place for you and me.  

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